
Rapid exchange of symptoms-pains alternate in regard to vicinity and character-thirst alternates with thirstlessness, hunger, and loss of appetite, etc. Acts forcibly on the venous system, producing pelvic engorgements and haemorrhoids.

Hepatic, and rheumatic affections, specifically with urinary, haemorrhoidal and menstrual complaints.

Old gouty constitutions. Pain in location of kidneys is most marked; subsequently its use in renal and vesical troubles, gall-stones, and vesical catarrh. It motives irritation of kidneys with haematuria. Pains may additionally be felt all over body, emanating from small of back. It has additionally marked motion on the liver, promotion the waft of bile. Often referred to as for in arthritic affections with urinary disturbances. Wandering, radiating pains. Acts nicely in fleshy persons, properly livers, however with little endurance. Spinal irritation. All Berberis pains radiate, are no longer worse by means of pressure, however worse in more than a few attitudes, specially standing and energetic exercise.

Head.–Listless, apathetic, indifferent. Puffy sensation, feeling as if turning into larger. Vertigo with assaults of fainting. Frontal headache. Chilliness in returned and occiput. Tearing ache in auricle, and gouty concretions. Sensation of a tight cap urgent upon the total scalp.

Nose.–Dry; obstinate catarrh of left nostril. Crawling in nostrils.

Face.–Pale, sickly. Sunken cheeks and eyes, with bluish circles.

Mouth.–Sticky sensation. Diminished saliva. Sticky, frothy saliva, like cotton (Nux mosch). Tongue feels scalded, vesicles on tongue.

Stomach.–Nausea earlier than breakfast. Heartburn.

Abdomen.–Stitches in vicinity of gall-bladder; worse, pressure, extending to stomach. Catarrh of the gall-bladder with constipation and yellow complexion. Stitching ache in the front of kidneys extending to liver, spleen, stomach, groins, Poupart’s ligament. Sticking deep in ilium.

Stool.–Constant urging to stool. Diarrhoea painless, clay-colored, burning, and smarting in anus and perineum. Tearing round anus. Fistula in ano.

Urinary.–Burning pains. Sensation as if some urine remained after urinating. Urine with thick mucus and bright-red, mealy sediment. Bubbling, sore sensation in kidneys. Pain in bladder region. Pain in the thighs and loins on urinating. Frequent urination; urethra burns when no longer urinating.

Male.–Neuralgia of spermatic wire and testicles. Smarting, burning, stitching in testicles, in prepuce and scrotum.

Female.–Pinching constriction in mons veneris, vaginismus, contraction and tenderness of vagina. Burning and anguish in vagina. Desire diminished, slicing ache throughout coition. Menses scanty, grey mucus, with ache in kidneys and chilliness, ache down thighs. Leucorrhoea, grayish mucus, with painful urinary symptoms. Neuralgia of ovaries and vagina.

Respiratory.–Hoarseness; polypus of larynx. Tearing stitches in chest and area of heart.

Back.–Stitches in neck and back; worse, respiration. Sticking ache in place of kidneys radiating thence round abdomen, to hips and groins. Numb, bruised sensation. Stitches from kidneys into bladder. Tearing, sticking with stiffness, making rising difficult, involving hips, nates, limbs, with numbness. Lumbago (Rhus; Tart em). Metatarsus and metacarpus sense sprained. Post-operative pain in lumbar region; suffering with sharp ache following direction of circumflex iliac nerve to bladder with conventional urination.

Extremities.–Rheumatic paralytic ache in shoulders, arms, palms and fingers, legs and feet. Neuralgia beneath finger-nails, with swelling of finger-joints. Sensation of bloodless on backyard of thighs. Heels pain, as if ulcerated. Stitching between metatarsal bones as from a nail when standing. Pain in balls of ft on stepping. Intense weariness and lameness of legs after strolling a quick distance.

Skin.–Flat warts. Itching, burning and smarting; worse, scratching; better, bloodless applications. Small pustules over complete body. Eczema of anus and hands. Circumscribed pigmentation following eczematous inflammation.

Fever.–Cold sensation in a variety of parts, as if spattered with bloodless water. Warmth in decrease phase of back, hips, and thighs.

Modalities.–Worse, motion, standing. It brings on, or increases, urinary complaints.

Relationship.–Compare: Ipomea-Convolvulus Duratinus-Morning Glory. –(Pain in left lumbar muscular tissues on stooping. Kidney issues with pain in back. Much stomach flatulence. Aching in pinnacle of proper shoulder renal colic; aching in small of again and extremities), Aloe; Lycopod; Nux; Sarsap. Xanthorrhea arborea (severe ache in kidneys, cystitis and gravel. Pain from ureter to bladder and testicles; pain in small of lower back returns from least sit back or damp). Xanthoriza apifolia-Shrub Yellow Root–contains Berberine. Dilatation of belly and intestines, atony, enlarged spleen.

Antidotes: Camphor; Bell.

Dose.–Tincture, to sixth potency.

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