Papal-Cross Spider


All spider poisons powerfully have an effect on the worried gadget (See tarentula, Mygale, etc).


All signs of Aranea are characterised via periodicity, and coldness, and exquisite susceptibility to dampness. It is the treatment for the charter favorable to malarial poisoning, the place each damp day or vicinity favors chilliness. Patient feels bloodless to the very bones. Coldness no longer relieved by using anything. Feeling as if components had been enlarged and heavier. Wake up at night time with palms feeling twice their herbal size. Spleen swollen. Hydrogenoid Constitution, i.e, Abnormal sensitiveness to damp and cold, incapacity to stay close to sparkling water, lakes, rivers, etc, or in damp, chilly places (Nat. Sulph. Thuja).

Head.–Pain in proper trifacial nerve from periphery inwards. Confusion; better through smoking in open air. Heat and flickering in eyes; worse in damp weather. Sudden violent ache in tooth at night time at once after mendacity down.

Female.–Menses too early, too copious. Distention of abdomen. Lumbo-abdominal neuralgia.

Chest.–Pain in intercostal nerve from nerve endings to spine. Bright crimson haemorrhage from lungs (Millefol; Ferr phos).

Stomach.–Cramps after consuming a little; epigastrium painful to pressure.

Abdomen.–Enlarged spleen. Colic returns identical hours. Heaviness in decrease abdomen, as of a stone. Diarrhoea. Arms and legs sense as if asleep.

Extremities.–Bone-pains in extremities. Pain in os calcis. Sensation of swelling, and of components going to sleep.

Sleep.–Restless and waking, as if arms and forearms had been swollen and heavy.

Fever.–Coldness, with ache in lengthy bones, and feeling of stone in stomach at the equal hour daily. Chilly day and night; continually worse all through rain.

Modalities.–Worse, damp weather; late in afternoon, and at midnight. Better, smoking tobacco.

Relationship.–Tela aranearum-Spider’s web.–Cardiac sleeplessness, improved muscular energy. Excitement and worried agitation in febrile states. Dry asthma, harassing coughs; periodic complications with excessive frightened erethism. Obstinate intermittents. Acts without delay on arterial system, pulse full, strong, compressible.

Lowers pulse fee frequency. Masked periodical diseases, hectic, damaged down patients. Symptoms come on abruptly with cool, clammy skin. Numbness of fingers and legs when at rest. Continued chilliness.

Aranea Scinencia-Grey Spider–(constant twitching of beneath eyelids. Sleepiness. Worse in heat room).

Heloderma; Cedron; Arsenic.

Dose.–Tincture to thirtieth potency.

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